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Image by Catherine Merlin


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Do you need the courage to pounce on dilemmas that can defeat your life? 

Among many cultures for centuries the Lion has been seen as a symbol of strength, bravery and power. In the Buddhist teachings to have a “Lion’s Roar", is to take courageous actions to overcome challenges, awaken our inner resiliency and make our dreams a reality. What are your dreams? What are your goals? What stops you from having absolute freedom and contentment? 

I want to support you through life's difficulties and empower you as you transform into a strong, confident, courageous person who is ready to roar their truth! 

I specialize in:​

Religious Trauma Syndrome: Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is similar to the complexities of C-PTSD with intrusive thoughts, hypersensitivities, as well as feeling a physical and emotional sense of constriction. Guilt, shame, and condemnation are among many harmful messages in high-controlling religious cults. This has been proven to lead to lasting affects to our mental health including fear of the outside world, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suppressed thoughts/emotions out of fear, sexual suppression and dissociation to name a few.  As someone who spent a good portion of her life in a fundamental religion, I can relate to the gut-wrenching experience breaking away from a controlling environment. It is my passion and purpose to help those who are struggling during this journey. I create an incredibly compassionate space for you during this breaking-free transformation. 

Lion PRIDE Coming-Out Coach: As a self-identified Queer woman who came out later in life, I know the internal anxiety of self-acceptance and the fears coming out to family and friends. I create a safe and supportive space while you embark on your journey and challenges that present itself "coming out" and navigating the dating scene as your authentic LGBTQ+ self.

Devastating Break-ups: One of my hardest lessons in life was ripping my own heart into two and knowing I was doing the same to my ex partner. Leaving a relationship with someone you still love in order to serve your highest purpose, is the hardest yet most empowering thing you can do for yourself. When we reexamine the purpose of life and our potential for the greatest growth and self-evolvement, we open ourselves to see the positive in a devastating breakup. Some people come into our lives forever, some come into our lives for a short period to teach us valuable lessons. I empathetically guide you through the steps of "consciously uncoupling", including the number one thing you must let go of in order to let forgiveness in. 

Empaths Support: Are you an empathetic sensitive soul? Old soul? Someone who works in the Mental Health/Foster Care field and has lived experience? Someone who is a caretaker? Sessions are held either in a group setting or one or one, to give you the safe space to process your own triggers/emotions that surround your work and the clients you serve. *names will not be given during groups to adhere to HIPPA confidentiality laws.

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Man Walking in Fields

Walk & Talk Sessions: 

According to the UK's National Health Service (NHS) doctors have been authorized to prescribe time outdoors. A growing number of healthcare providers are “incorporating nature into their treatment plans as evidence mounts for the health benefits of time spent in wild spaces”. 

San Luis Obispo County offers many picturesque backdrops to incorporate nature in our sessions. We also have the option of light hiking if you choose. *weather permitting

Community Based Sessions:

In addition to walk and talk sessions, we can also meet in the community of your choice...your favorite coffee shop, that favorite park bench of yours surrounded by nature, or in the comfort of your own home. 

Online Sessions are also available.

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